Search “thrive”

29 Results

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How to Rescue a Special Needs Marriage

By Dyana Robbins Previous articles I have written have focused on the great blessings that can grow from a special-needs marriage  and how to create an environment for your marriage...

Thriving in a Special Needs Marriage

By Dyana Robbins, M. Ed Reading this, you are likely a special-needs parent and/or married to someone with special needs. You might need encouragement or strategies for marital happiness in...

Growing in the Shade

By Cheryl Swope   One hot Missouri June when my children were very young, we decorated our front porch with a large white container of flowering impatiens. The pink and...

5 Reasons We Chose to Homeschool

By Dyana Robbins, M.Ed. As the new year approaches, more families will be considering homeschooling. Each January, an influx of new homeschoolers hits online forums, support groups and homeschooling resources...

Reality Teaching Through Unit Studies

By Peggy Ployhar Unit studies are a hands-on approach to learning.  Through multi-sensory activities and immersion learning, children relate to concepts, confront challenges, solve open-ended questions, and come face-to-face with...