Search “cooking”

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High School Help

Homeschool High School Freebies Free downloads, helpful links, and lots of great tips on how to successfully teach your diverse learner through high school, graduation, and onto whatever is next...

5 Lessons to Teach Through Gift Giving

By Kimberly Vogel Many struggling learners or students with special needs struggle with time, money, and egocentric behavior. Gift giving can easily be a time of educational and emotional opportunities...

When I Am Not Enough

By Debbi White I found myself bawling the other morning. I hadn’t wept like that in months. The previous weeks had been filled with excitement: visitors from Washington and New...

5 Tips for Traveling with Special Dietary Needs

By Kimberly Vogel When one member of the family receives a dietary diagnosis, the whole family shares in the diagnosis. Eating affects almost everything, and typically normal things become a...

Homeschooling During an Illness

By Jennifer Cullimore We all learn very quickly, that even though we may have established a routine, and are plugging along at our homeschool days, things can quickly derail us....

Homeschooling In Today’s Time

By Myeshi Briley,MS,HS-BCP   Homeschooling parents face the challenges of juggling teaching, cleaning, cooking, nurturing, finding needed personal time, and being a good spouse every day. How do we do...

Slow Cooker Homeschooling

    By Cammie Arn Have you ever wondered just why spaghetti sauce tastes best when simmered for hours over low heat verses just mixing all the ingredients up as...